We provide luxury car services with attention to detail and determination to stay ahead of the curve.


At Comet Automotive, we’re boutique – not big. Established since 1993, we’ve been perfecting our professional European car service for models by BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Saab, VW, Volvo, Audi, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Renault, Peugeot, Citroen, Porsche, Jaguar and Land Rover for over 21 years. Comet’s ongoing success comes from the fact that we make sure our diagnostic equipment and technicians are the best in the business.

We are a business that is built primarily on word of mouth from our satisfied customers and can boast a faithful client base of over 4000 regulars.

Affordable and Professional European Car Servicing

We provide superior luxury car services because of our attention to detail and determination to stay ahead of the curve.

We’re constantly upgrading our equipment and training our staff in all the latest developments in professional Europoean car servicing technology.